Perfect Morning

Perfect Morning

Friday, June 3, 2011


I am reading "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty" and my gosh it is rockin' my world.
I can't put it down. I was at work the other day and one of my friends came into the break room and asked what I was reading. So I showed her the cover and she gives me one of these, "ohhh ohhhh how's your day." haha funny. BUT anyone who knows they are called to be royalty in the kingdom of God. To co-heir with Him and live an outrageous life should read this book. OHH wait, that's everyone! COME on! read it.

When someone compliments you how do you respond? Do you get uncomfortable? Do you dig for compliments so when they finally come it is a relief? Do you immediately pass the credit on to something or someone else? You see this scenario often...someone will come up and give a compliment to a pastor or worship leader, etc. and usually the response is, "well, it wasn't me it is Him." And then you want to say, gosh Honey, you weren't that good!

But am I right? yes, I am. The church has weakened its members in the name of humility. So now we have a bunch of mighty warriors walking around in paupers clothing not having a clue who they are! I have so been there. I thought that if I continued to humble myself then God would get the glory. It is not about ME but it is about Him. And that is SO true. But picture this:

You are the artist who carved this magnificent sculpture. And then I came around and started telling you everything that is wrong with your work. "The hands are too big. The nose is too flat. Where's the hair? Why did you choose this color? Gosh, this sculpture will never get sold." Ok, so did bashing and tearing down the sculpture bring glory to the artist. No way!
And are we no different? Our Father sculpted us so perfectly and the best part is that Jesus was the model. We were created in the image of God. Who are you to demean the handy work of your Father? That is not humility, that is dumb.

When we buy into this lie of false humility we compromise our full identity in who Christ made us to be. You really think God wants any army of insecure dumb-dumbs or an army confident in who they are BECAUSE of who their leader is. Here is the difference: Pride enters because you are ohhh so happy with your own achievements. "Oh look at me. I'm the best, prettiest, bang bang bang." But true humility roots from a confidence that we are great and carry authority because of the ONE who made us righteous. See the difference? I can walk around in confident assurance that height nor depth nor present nor future can stand in the way from loving my God because it was all defeated.

Once we begin to get WHO we are and understand our identity, our life in Christ will be launched into greater destiny!

"The truth of God's grace humbles a man without degrading him and exalts a man without inflating him."


Chrisy said...

I imagine your mother is VERY proud of your writing, bunny rabbit. You sound just like her:) xo

Alexandra said...

what a compliment! thank you! and thanks for reading. you are wonderful