The desire of my heart is to see transformed lives transform cities. I believe that the KEY to seeing that happen is the Secret Place. It is the heartbeat of revival.
Matthew 6:5-6
"Also, when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by people. Truly I tell you, they have their reward in full already.
But when you pray, go into your [most] private room, and, closing the door, pray to your Father, Who is in secret; and your Father, Who sees in secret, will reward you in the open."
yeah, yeah, yeah!
It is time for men and women to set aside time and just wait on Holy Spirit. As I started doing this consistently over a year ago, my life has never been the same. I still go back and remember encounters I have had in the Presence of God that have ruined me for the rest of my the best way possible. I have started making memories with Jesus. And I plan on doing that all the days of my life.
You see time with the Lord is crucial. That is where you find your strength. That is where you go deep into the insights of the Father. There is something about the secret place that is so unique; it is something you cannot get at a conference, church service, prayer meeting, etc.
Luke 5:16
"But He [Jesus] Himself withdrew [in retirement] to the wildnerness (desert) and prayed."
Develop your personal history with God. You will never be the same. My favorite part of the day is just meeting with Jesus. I live to be in the Secret Place. Why? Because it fuels my response to LOVE.
I encourage you to just get away. Spend time with Jesus. Invite the Holy Spirit. Wait in silence until He speaks. Train your senses to recognize when Jesus walks into the room. Most of all, just love on the Father. Your life is radically changed because He loves you so.
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