Perfect Morning

Perfect Morning

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I feel like I have so much to share. God is so rich and good.

I have felt this for a while now. But the body of Christ, the Church, has been in a transitional season. I have seen it everywhere. People I walk closely with, pray for, people that pray for me, just really everywhere...transition is the season. Seasons of transition are hard, but also so beneficial not only personally but corporately as well. I believe that the Lord is catapulting His people into their divine destiny. YEAH YEAH YEAH. But when you go through a season of transition, there is so much room for lies. Why? because there is the unknown factor. The direction/objective/purpose/reason etc. may not be clear. So in that place, the enemy tries to come in and speak death. That dark voice speaks false identity. he takes what the Lord has for you in this NEW season and twists it. For example, the Lord is teaching me about what it means to BE a daughter of the King and to not see myself as anything less. But in that time, even while I have been giving this warning word to others, lies about who I am have crept in. Co-heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven do not passively watch as deception and confusion creep in.
In this time of transition, really seek the Lord on what He says about YOU. it is so important you lock yourself away in the secret place (where you meet with the Father) and allow His love to saturate you. Seek the Presence.

I am walking this right along with you. I have been in a season of transition. And it has been beyond fun and amazing. Truly. But in that, I have allowed false identity to creep in and rob me of my Joy. Today, I got to the point where enough was enough. Seriously. I needed a breakthrough. So I laid on the couch and waited. But then I got restless. So I went into my room and tried to worship Jesus. Still restless. I decided to go for a run. I hate to run. I would rather cut down trees with a butter knife all day then run. no really, it's true. But that's what I needed. and wanted. so I took off onto this trail and told the Lord that I wasn't going to STOP until something broke on the inside of me. I start running...and I get about 25 feet when I realize I am running up someones driveway. DRIVEWAY. not only was it embarrassing enough that the I thought a DRIVEWAY was a trail, but the family was sitting there. Starring at me...probably thinking. Wow, this girl just ran up our driveway. unreal. I pretended to be stretching and awkwardly walked away.

Finally I find the trail. I get about ehhhhhh 4.5 minutes in and I find this incredible spot. I'm not training for the ironwoman...ok? I just wait. and then the Lord starts talking. There were a couple stones laying to the left of me and the Lord said...
"Do you think I can turn those into bread?"
Me: "Well yeah."
Jesus: "Really, do you?"
Me: "Gosh, I don't know. YES. Yes I do. I really do."
Jesus: "Just because I don't do it this moment, doesn't mean I can't or won't. Manna from Heaven comes in all shapes, sizes and times."
Me: Staring at the rock waiting for it to turn to bread
Jesus: "Your breakthrough is no different. Just because it doesn't come in the package you want it to, doesn't me I don't deliver."
Me: still staring at the rock
Jesus: "you have your breakthrough."
Me: "what do you mean?"
Jesus:"you have it. just fight for it. find it. See it. See me. I'm here. I'm your breakthrough. I'm your joy. find me. Rest in me. move to me. I am your manna from heaven. I will turn that stone into bread."
Me: Smiling
Jesus: "also, don't be surprised if you find manna from heaven sometime in the near future."

I ran home tonight, not totally feeling like a new person. But breakthrough is here. I choose Jesus.

Choose Him today. Don't wait. Your time is now. Trust your Jesus. He delights in you. Whatever you need, you can find in the name of Jesus. Everything you need is in the name of Jesus.

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