Perfect Morning

Perfect Morning

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hear Him Pt. 1

I think the most important exchange that can happen between us and the Father is when we HEAR what He is saying. When you hear God, you get vision for your life. You feel understood. You have Hope, Freedom, Joy and many other blessings that come from hearing the Word of the Lord. And really, above all you are engaging your Daddy. That is enough in itself. But because of the fruit that comes from hearing God, it is the most attacked aspect of our intimate walk with Jesus.

There have been many, many times where I have struggled with hearing God. I go back and forth..."Is this me talking or is it God talking?" or "God couldn't have really said that...asked me do to that...said that about me..."etc.

In talking to people about hearing God these are the most common lies I see people believing (and lies that I have believed myself).

1. I don't hear God.
2. I can't tell if it is me or Him.
3. I think part of it is true and part of it isn't.
4. That Word can't be from God. It is too good to be true.

Those are all lies from the pit of hell and they have got to GOOOOOOO. There is no room for fear in hearing God. Just faith.

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" (Matt. 13:9)

Everyone is created to hear God. It is in our very nature to be in relationship with Him. It would be a really lame relationship if you heard all about him from the mouths of others but never heard it directly from Heaven.

Just as unnatural as it would be to not have ears, it is even more unnatural to not hear God on a daily basis.

Everything changes when you hear from God. Everything. When you are carrying the Word of the Lord around with you, everything changes. Hopeless situations become the new site for a miracle. Places in your life that have been broken become restored. Daily decisions don't have to be made alone.

I mean think about it. At anytime you can get access to Heavenly revelation. COMMME ON! All you have to do is connect with the Father.

Here are some practicals that have not only worked in my life, but have been really life giving to people around me.

  • You have to get away and start talking to Him.
  • Find a place...for me it is my room. I just wait. Every time I spend time with Jesus, I invite Him to speak to me. And then I just wait. It is like He is driving the car. I'm just a passenger. I go where He says.
  • God speaks quickly. Usually the first thing you hear when you ask God a question is God.
  • Ask God questions often. All the time. Just start practicing. My friend kait and I went on a walk and we decided to ask God at every turn which way we should go (left, right, straight). After we asked him to ourselves, we both shared what we heard from Him. Up until the very last two turns we both got the exact same answer. every time. it was so cool.
  • Don't over spiritualize it. Just talk to your Daddy. Engage with Him.
  • Above ALL, remember that YOU HEAR GOD.
  • one last one, surround yourself with people in your life that hear God on a consistent basis and spend time with them. Ask them questions. Hear God together. Go on walks with your best friend and talk to God together!
There is nothing sweeter in the whole world then when the Father comes down and speaks to your heart. That is worth a million minutes just sitting and waiting.

So GOOOOO. and Hear God. He is waiting, beloved!

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