So I'm happy (and sad) to announce that I am leaving this blog. It just feels time.
I'm ready for something new. Change of scenery.
I'm still blogging though...very much so actually.
And I have some really exciting thoughts moving through my brain. So please, if you'd like to continue to following me just cross over the pond to my new blog.
I love looking back at old blogs and seeing the quirky, odd, questionable and without-a-doubt moments of Heavenly inspiration.
And even if you never follow my blog again...I encourage you to just LIVE this best life. Breath in the Fullness of God's goodness and love. Ohhh, He is so good.
I cannot contain this Love I feel inside. I just can't hide it or fight it. I'm beside myself about this Man, King Jesus. I cannot contain this Joy. Celebrate with me.
Perfect Morning

Friday, June 29, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Fire is on the brain. Probably because I just spent the last 48 hours reporting on a fire here in Fort Collins.
AND last week, there was another fire that I was at. These super smart scientists took us on a tour of the burn area.
Now this fire was huge! 8,000 acres huge.
As we were walking along the trail, I started noticing the oddest thing.
You'd look to your left and all the land would look black and charcoal-y where the fire had come through. and then I'd look to my right and it would be like green pastures.
Look to the left: Black. Look to the right: green.
Now, I'm not a fire expert. (although I did get to put on a pair of nomex the other day), so this may be a regular for fires.
But it seemed to me as if this fire had a mind of its own. Like it went wherever it wanted. Moved wherever it wanted. I talked to one of the firefighters and he said, "It is like the fire made a mosaic. It just burned where it wanted to."
Hebrews 12:29
"For our God is an all-consuming Fire."
Deuteronomy 4:24
"For our God is an all consuming Fire, even a jealous God."
Psalm 50:3
"Our God comes, and will not be silent; a fire devours before Him..."
Exodus 19:18
"Mount Sinai was covered in smoke because the Lord descended on it in Fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace and the whole mountain trembled violently."
Psalm 97:1
Fire goes before Him, And burns up His adversaries round about. His lightnings lit up the world; The earth saw and trembled. The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples have seen His glory.
We always ask for the FIRE of God. And what we are asking for is the very nature of God. Jesus does not hide himself from us. So then why does it feel like sometimes we are missing it? ya know? have you ever felt like that? As if you are just missing it. or you just need a little more FIRE.
But here's the thing, is it really a question of lack or is a question of movment?
Are you moving with the Fire of God?
He goes where He wants. and half the time....more than half the time it doesn't make sense.
But to be consumed by an ALL CONSUMING FIRE, you have to be okay with being a part of the mosaic.
His ways are higher.
I'm all for asking for the Fire of God. There's not a whole lot more I love than that. It is also important though to ask for the desire and obedience to move with Him. It is often easy to receive, but not so easy to respond.
Move with the Fire. Make a Mosaic with Jesus.
and just in case you were worried about the fire last week...............
Stuart Fire Evacuees: Stuart Hole Fire Evacuees can sleep a little more peacefully tonight knowing the fire is almost half contained.
AND last week, there was another fire that I was at. These super smart scientists took us on a tour of the burn area.
Now this fire was huge! 8,000 acres huge.
As we were walking along the trail, I started noticing the oddest thing.
You'd look to your left and all the land would look black and charcoal-y where the fire had come through. and then I'd look to my right and it would be like green pastures.
Look to the left: Black. Look to the right: green.
Now, I'm not a fire expert. (although I did get to put on a pair of nomex the other day), so this may be a regular for fires.
But it seemed to me as if this fire had a mind of its own. Like it went wherever it wanted. Moved wherever it wanted. I talked to one of the firefighters and he said, "It is like the fire made a mosaic. It just burned where it wanted to."
Hebrews 12:29
"For our God is an all-consuming Fire."
Deuteronomy 4:24
"For our God is an all consuming Fire, even a jealous God."
Psalm 50:3
"Our God comes, and will not be silent; a fire devours before Him..."
Exodus 19:18
"Mount Sinai was covered in smoke because the Lord descended on it in Fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace and the whole mountain trembled violently."
Psalm 97:1
Fire goes before Him, And burns up His adversaries round about. His lightnings lit up the world; The earth saw and trembled. The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples have seen His glory.
We always ask for the FIRE of God. And what we are asking for is the very nature of God. Jesus does not hide himself from us. So then why does it feel like sometimes we are missing it? ya know? have you ever felt like that? As if you are just missing it. or you just need a little more FIRE.
But here's the thing, is it really a question of lack or is a question of movment?
Are you moving with the Fire of God?
He goes where He wants. and half the time....more than half the time it doesn't make sense.
But to be consumed by an ALL CONSUMING FIRE, you have to be okay with being a part of the mosaic.
His ways are higher.
I'm all for asking for the Fire of God. There's not a whole lot more I love than that. It is also important though to ask for the desire and obedience to move with Him. It is often easy to receive, but not so easy to respond.
Move with the Fire. Make a Mosaic with Jesus.
and just in case you were worried about the fire last week...............
Stuart Fire Evacuees: Stuart Hole Fire Evacuees can sleep a little more peacefully tonight knowing the fire is almost half contained.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Knight in Shining Armor
Psalm 18
I love you, God— you make me strong.
God is bedrock under my feet,
the castle in which I live,
my rescuing knight.
My God—the high crag
where I run for dear life,
hiding behind the boulders,
safe in the granite hideout.
I sing to God, the Praise-Lofty,
and find myself safe and saved.
4-5 The hangman's noose was tight at my throat;
devil waters rushed over me.
Hell's ropes cinched me tight;
death traps barred every exit.
6 A hostile world! I call to God,
I cry to God to help me.
From his palace he hears my call;
my cry brings me right into his presence—
a private audience!
Feast on that!
Man, did I need to hear that today...and everyday.
I always knew Jesus was a knight in shining armor. Now I can say it legally. It is right there in the Psalms. Ahh, Jesus--Knight in Shining Armor.
I love the last part. "My cry brings me right into his presence."
I'm really starting to learn that I have so much to learn. AND that I don't always have to have it all together. It is ok if I mess up. Or say something wrong. Or hit the snooze button one too many times.
He hears my call. He knows me.
The other day I repented for feeling like I always have to control the situation around me. And I sweetly heard the Lord say, "I know you. You are heard and seen by your Father in Heaven." I'll never forget when He said that to me. It was like a cabinet opened in my heart and a release of relief swept through my whole body. I AM SEEN! I AM SEEN! I AM SEEN! like me. alex ruiz. I am seen by Heaven.
and so are you.
OH, to be known. That is why we are alive. To be seen and heard by our Daddy.
The circumstances around you are not obstacles that you keep you from God. They actually escort you straight into His Presence. Step in.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Do --------> Hear
I've been practicing obedience.
That's a kind of weird statement. But I really have. I've purposely and intentionally been inviting the Lord in on daily no brainers and as He speaks about them I respond. or TRY to. I've been finding myself falling forward.
I really believe that obedience is the key to breakthrough.
The definition of obedience is: the compliance with someone's wishes or orders or acknowledgement of their authority.
Obedience is acknowledgement of authority.
Then he took the book of the covenant and read it in the hearing of the people; and they said, “All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient.” Exodus 24:7 NASB
In the hebrew, the part that says "we will do, and we will be obedient" is translated as "we will do and we will hear." But that seems a bit odd. How are we able to do before we hear?
Obedience to me looks a little something like this---->
Dad: alex, go wash your car.
Alex: ***thought life*** i'm busy hot glueing yarn to the wall. It is of upmost importantance that this craft gets done NOW. Who knows when anthropologie (the store) is going to come over for dinner. I want them to see my creativity.
Well you see dad, maybe later. (i know a store can't actually come to my house for dinner...but a girl can dream).
Dad: no, how about now.
Alex: why?
Dad: I said so.
Alex: it might rain
Dad: we are in a drought
Alex: I just prayed for rain
Dad: Go
Alex: maybe anthropologie will want to ride around in my car.
RIGHT?! am I alone? does this not happen everyday of your life??
See, we understand obedience as hearing a command/instruction then deciphering through OUR understanding if it is relevant and THEN choosing if/when/how/what time/how fast to respond.
But obedience is not an ACTION. It is a heart posture toward authority in your life. meaning, before Jesus tells me to give that necklace away I have already determined in my heart the answer is YES. Ok. Done. The hearing is secondary. The doing is primary.
So how do you get there?
Practice obedience. Taste and see that the Lord is good.
For example...yesterday the Lord helped me clean out my closet. Kinda.
It went like this
Jesus: do you need that sweater?
Alex: yeah, most likely.
Jesus: you have the same color sweater
Alex: no they are different. One is harvest mustard. the other is more of a dijon.
Jesus: yeah, i see what you're saying. do you need both of them?
Alex: you never know what the day will hold
Jesus: what does that even mean?
Alex: i have no idea. I like them both though and i also like options.
Jesus: pick one.
Jesus: ........
Alex: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH let's read a book together instead. i know a really good book. I also know the author...............
Falling forward
Here's the thing...that example is not super serious, but at the same time has revealed a place in my heart where I don't completely trust. It may not make sense to me why I shouldn't have two sweaters with a mere drop of dye difference in color, but IT DOESN'T MATTER. I have submitted my life to THe One whose ways are far above mine.
You can not be obedient without trust. It is like Q and U. you can't separate them.
spend time with Jesus and ask him where your life lacks obedience. He'll show you. and the fruit of quick repentance and movement forward in obedience will be ABUNDANT breakthrough.
Rapid Obedience is the key to unlocking the blessing of God.
That's a kind of weird statement. But I really have. I've purposely and intentionally been inviting the Lord in on daily no brainers and as He speaks about them I respond. or TRY to. I've been finding myself falling forward.
I really believe that obedience is the key to breakthrough.
The definition of obedience is: the compliance with someone's wishes or orders or acknowledgement of their authority.
Obedience is acknowledgement of authority.
Then he took the book of the covenant and read it in the hearing of the people; and they said, “All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient.” Exodus 24:7 NASB
In the hebrew, the part that says "we will do, and we will be obedient" is translated as "we will do and we will hear." But that seems a bit odd. How are we able to do before we hear?
Obedience to me looks a little something like this---->
Dad: alex, go wash your car.
Alex: ***thought life*** i'm busy hot glueing yarn to the wall. It is of upmost importantance that this craft gets done NOW. Who knows when anthropologie (the store) is going to come over for dinner. I want them to see my creativity.
Well you see dad, maybe later. (i know a store can't actually come to my house for dinner...but a girl can dream).
Dad: no, how about now.
Alex: why?
Dad: I said so.
Alex: it might rain
Dad: we are in a drought
Alex: I just prayed for rain
Dad: Go
Alex: maybe anthropologie will want to ride around in my car.
RIGHT?! am I alone? does this not happen everyday of your life??
See, we understand obedience as hearing a command/instruction then deciphering through OUR understanding if it is relevant and THEN choosing if/when/how/what time/how fast to respond.
But obedience is not an ACTION. It is a heart posture toward authority in your life. meaning, before Jesus tells me to give that necklace away I have already determined in my heart the answer is YES. Ok. Done. The hearing is secondary. The doing is primary.
So how do you get there?
Practice obedience. Taste and see that the Lord is good.
For example...yesterday the Lord helped me clean out my closet. Kinda.
It went like this
Jesus: do you need that sweater?
Alex: yeah, most likely.
Jesus: you have the same color sweater
Alex: no they are different. One is harvest mustard. the other is more of a dijon.
Jesus: yeah, i see what you're saying. do you need both of them?
Alex: you never know what the day will hold
Jesus: what does that even mean?
Alex: i have no idea. I like them both though and i also like options.
Jesus: pick one.
Jesus: ........
Alex: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH let's read a book together instead. i know a really good book. I also know the author...............
Falling forward
Here's the thing...that example is not super serious, but at the same time has revealed a place in my heart where I don't completely trust. It may not make sense to me why I shouldn't have two sweaters with a mere drop of dye difference in color, but IT DOESN'T MATTER. I have submitted my life to THe One whose ways are far above mine.
You can not be obedient without trust. It is like Q and U. you can't separate them.
spend time with Jesus and ask him where your life lacks obedience. He'll show you. and the fruit of quick repentance and movement forward in obedience will be ABUNDANT breakthrough.
Rapid Obedience is the key to unlocking the blessing of God.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
I have missed my precious blog. I really do love it & my 15 followers...truly.
I apologize if my thoughts are scattered. I just got back from Peru. I think the mixture of 24 hours of airport food, culture shock and OVERLOAD of starbucks has me all over the map.
I can't wait to share what I learned in Peru. But that is for another day (s). I'm still figuring out what city I am in.
On January 14 of this year, I asked Jesus this question. "Where do you want me when I graduate."
I then spent the next 30 days, asking the exact same question to Him and getting exactly different responses every day.
January 14
Me: Where do you want me when I graduate?
Jesus: I want you to be where I can be closest to you. I don't want to be apart from you. I want to be as close to you as I can be. Which "option" do you think gets you there?
Looking back at Jesus' response, I just can't believe it. He said that to me?? Do you see/feel/taste/touch the weight of that statement. JESUS, creator of the world, the Beloved, the Most High, the Savior of the WORLD, the beginning and end, the Everlasting, the Lamb that was slain, the Prince of Peace...That man wants to get as close to me as He can.
January 19
Me: where do you want me when I graduate?
Jesus: Where do you do want to go when you graduate?
Me: I think I want to stay here.
Jesus: Why do you just think you want to stay here?
Me: cause is there really something for me to do up here? would it really be the best for me?
Anyone who has ever made a decision in their life knows the power of dilemma.
what shampoo do I buy? do I want my hair to be extremely voluminous? or salon soft? heaven forbid we combine the two....
What should I eat for dinner. Actually, this one is not tough for me. Whatever you do, always choose pizza. you'll never go wrong.
Do I buy this book or that one? Inside or outside? hot or cold? black or white? bike or drive? skirt or shorts? to be or not to be...we all know your decision, Hamlet.
up or down?
Stay in fort collins? Trust HIM?--even though I don't have any clue why I can feel the Father's heart saying STAY HERE. Every logical fiber of my being says WHY? where will you live? where will you find a job?
But I couldn't shake it. When you feel the heart beat of Heaven, stay there. Don't move. Camp out. Pitch a tent. Make a fire. Invite people over. Don't move until He does.
January 30
Me: Where do you want me when I graduate?
Jesus: With Me.
Me: Well, where are you?
Jesus: I'm with you.
Me: Well, where am I supposed to be?
Jesus: with Me.
Me: Ok, I know that. But like you know...logistically speaking.
Jesus: I don't speak in logistics. I speak in terms of dreams. I see your dreams. I know the deepest groaning of your heart. and it makes me joyful to get you there. But I want to be with you. I want to do it together. as a team.
Me: Wow. we get to be on the same team?! That's pretty cool.
The place of dreaming is also the place of your permission.
Logic cannot cause you to inherit. You inherit through dreaming.
February 6
Me: Where do you want me when I graduate?
Jesus: You know, my child. You know. You know where I'm asking you to stay.
So I stayed. In Fort Collins.
I was in. All in. I am in.
And I can tell you right now that I am absolutely living the dream.
About a month and a half later, I got a job offer in Fort Collins at the T.V. news station here. I get to spend another two years with the people that mean the most to me.
I love this city.
And most importantly, I get to step closer and closer into intimacy with Jesus.
Who knew...oh wait. He did.
Any decision. Big or small. step into what He is saying. It makes it SO much easier. I take that back. It doesn't make it easier. It makes it WORTH it. He is worth it.
I have pages of promises from the Father for this next season of my life.
Wherever you are at in life, whether you're deciding where to move or what brand of bread to buy--just DIVE into Heaven's rhythm. You'll be so thankful you did. Plus, you get to see Jesus working on your behalf. There is nothing like it.
February 7
Me: And then it hit me.
I decided to trust Jesus yesterday morning. I relinquished control of my future to HIm. I gave up something totally trusting that God will provide abundantly. That He has got me covered. Graham Cooke says, "If your head rules your heart, you'll be denied by your own caution. Joy, thanksgiving & rejoicing is the means by which you will both access and appropriate His nature and desire."
I don't know what is going to happen with everything. But I do trust Jesus. I don't know what this next year is going to look like. But I do trust Jesus. The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.
May 20
Me: I love being on this cool team. Bring it on.
I apologize if my thoughts are scattered. I just got back from Peru. I think the mixture of 24 hours of airport food, culture shock and OVERLOAD of starbucks has me all over the map.
I can't wait to share what I learned in Peru. But that is for another day (s). I'm still figuring out what city I am in.
On January 14 of this year, I asked Jesus this question. "Where do you want me when I graduate."
I then spent the next 30 days, asking the exact same question to Him and getting exactly different responses every day.
January 14
Me: Where do you want me when I graduate?
Jesus: I want you to be where I can be closest to you. I don't want to be apart from you. I want to be as close to you as I can be. Which "option" do you think gets you there?
Looking back at Jesus' response, I just can't believe it. He said that to me?? Do you see/feel/taste/touch the weight of that statement. JESUS, creator of the world, the Beloved, the Most High, the Savior of the WORLD, the beginning and end, the Everlasting, the Lamb that was slain, the Prince of Peace...That man wants to get as close to me as He can.
January 19
Me: where do you want me when I graduate?
Jesus: Where do you do want to go when you graduate?
Me: I think I want to stay here.
Jesus: Why do you just think you want to stay here?
Me: cause is there really something for me to do up here? would it really be the best for me?
Anyone who has ever made a decision in their life knows the power of dilemma.
what shampoo do I buy? do I want my hair to be extremely voluminous? or salon soft? heaven forbid we combine the two....
What should I eat for dinner. Actually, this one is not tough for me. Whatever you do, always choose pizza. you'll never go wrong.
Do I buy this book or that one? Inside or outside? hot or cold? black or white? bike or drive? skirt or shorts? to be or not to be...we all know your decision, Hamlet.
up or down?
Stay in fort collins? Trust HIM?--even though I don't have any clue why I can feel the Father's heart saying STAY HERE. Every logical fiber of my being says WHY? where will you live? where will you find a job?
But I couldn't shake it. When you feel the heart beat of Heaven, stay there. Don't move. Camp out. Pitch a tent. Make a fire. Invite people over. Don't move until He does.
January 30
Me: Where do you want me when I graduate?
Jesus: With Me.
Me: Well, where are you?
Jesus: I'm with you.
Me: Well, where am I supposed to be?
Jesus: with Me.
Me: Ok, I know that. But like you know...logistically speaking.
Jesus: I don't speak in logistics. I speak in terms of dreams. I see your dreams. I know the deepest groaning of your heart. and it makes me joyful to get you there. But I want to be with you. I want to do it together. as a team.
Me: Wow. we get to be on the same team?! That's pretty cool.
The place of dreaming is also the place of your permission.
Logic cannot cause you to inherit. You inherit through dreaming.
February 6
Me: Where do you want me when I graduate?
Jesus: You know, my child. You know. You know where I'm asking you to stay.
So I stayed. In Fort Collins.
I was in. All in. I am in.
And I can tell you right now that I am absolutely living the dream.
About a month and a half later, I got a job offer in Fort Collins at the T.V. news station here. I get to spend another two years with the people that mean the most to me.
I love this city.
And most importantly, I get to step closer and closer into intimacy with Jesus.
Who knew...oh wait. He did.
Any decision. Big or small. step into what He is saying. It makes it SO much easier. I take that back. It doesn't make it easier. It makes it WORTH it. He is worth it.
I have pages of promises from the Father for this next season of my life.
Wherever you are at in life, whether you're deciding where to move or what brand of bread to buy--just DIVE into Heaven's rhythm. You'll be so thankful you did. Plus, you get to see Jesus working on your behalf. There is nothing like it.
February 7
Me: And then it hit me.
I decided to trust Jesus yesterday morning. I relinquished control of my future to HIm. I gave up something totally trusting that God will provide abundantly. That He has got me covered. Graham Cooke says, "If your head rules your heart, you'll be denied by your own caution. Joy, thanksgiving & rejoicing is the means by which you will both access and appropriate His nature and desire."
I don't know what is going to happen with everything. But I do trust Jesus. I don't know what this next year is going to look like. But I do trust Jesus. The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.
May 20
Me: I love being on this cool team. Bring it on.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Declaration of Dependence
It has been some time since I have been on this little blog of mine.
I just have a quick thought and song to share with you.
I think everyday I wake up more aware of my dependence on Jesus. I feel terribly lost when I'm absent from His presence. Tonight, I realized that He and I haven't gotten much time together...And I can feel it. My heart feels like it is pacing, my words seem half jumbled, my clothes don't seem to match quite right, my time is oddly spent and my soul seems disconnected.
I never ever thought I would desperately desire connection with Jesus. Like, the feeling that if I didn't get to just touch Him, feel Him, hear Him...that I might just, well not be OK. I felt that tonight.
And it is one of the sweetest feelings ever. To desire Someone so bad that your heart actually aches. I couldn't wait to get home and get away with Him.
I feel like I am moving into an increased season of dependence. I don't know what to expect really in any area of my life. But, I do know the One who is faithful to the end. And because of that I choose to not live independent of Him, but dependent on Him. I come fully and completely alive with Him. I'd like to call this life of mine a Declaration of Dependence. (see what I did there) :) There is no better way to LIVE.
also, listen to this song. it is so real and raw. just will wreck the best possible way ever.
I just have a quick thought and song to share with you.
I think everyday I wake up more aware of my dependence on Jesus. I feel terribly lost when I'm absent from His presence. Tonight, I realized that He and I haven't gotten much time together...And I can feel it. My heart feels like it is pacing, my words seem half jumbled, my clothes don't seem to match quite right, my time is oddly spent and my soul seems disconnected.
I never ever thought I would desperately desire connection with Jesus. Like, the feeling that if I didn't get to just touch Him, feel Him, hear Him...that I might just, well not be OK. I felt that tonight.
And it is one of the sweetest feelings ever. To desire Someone so bad that your heart actually aches. I couldn't wait to get home and get away with Him.
I feel like I am moving into an increased season of dependence. I don't know what to expect really in any area of my life. But, I do know the One who is faithful to the end. And because of that I choose to not live independent of Him, but dependent on Him. I come fully and completely alive with Him. I'd like to call this life of mine a Declaration of Dependence. (see what I did there) :) There is no better way to LIVE.
also, listen to this song. it is so real and raw. just will wreck the best possible way ever.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Hear Him Pt. 1
I think the most important exchange that can happen between us and the Father is when we HEAR what He is saying. When you hear God, you get vision for your life. You feel understood. You have Hope, Freedom, Joy and many other blessings that come from hearing the Word of the Lord. And really, above all you are engaging your Daddy. That is enough in itself. But because of the fruit that comes from hearing God, it is the most attacked aspect of our intimate walk with Jesus.
There have been many, many times where I have struggled with hearing God. I go back and forth..."Is this me talking or is it God talking?" or "God couldn't have really said that...asked me do to that...said that about me..."etc.
In talking to people about hearing God these are the most common lies I see people believing (and lies that I have believed myself).
1. I don't hear God.
2. I can't tell if it is me or Him.
3. I think part of it is true and part of it isn't.
4. That Word can't be from God. It is too good to be true.
Those are all lies from the pit of hell and they have got to GOOOOOOO. There is no room for fear in hearing God. Just faith.
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" (Matt. 13:9)
Everyone is created to hear God. It is in our very nature to be in relationship with Him. It would be a really lame relationship if you heard all about him from the mouths of others but never heard it directly from Heaven.
Just as unnatural as it would be to not have ears, it is even more unnatural to not hear God on a daily basis.
Everything changes when you hear from God. Everything. When you are carrying the Word of the Lord around with you, everything changes. Hopeless situations become the new site for a miracle. Places in your life that have been broken become restored. Daily decisions don't have to be made alone.
I mean think about it. At anytime you can get access to Heavenly revelation. COMMME ON! All you have to do is connect with the Father.
Here are some practicals that have not only worked in my life, but have been really life giving to people around me.
- You have to get away and start talking to Him.
- Find a place...for me it is my room. I just wait. Every time I spend time with Jesus, I invite Him to speak to me. And then I just wait. It is like He is driving the car. I'm just a passenger. I go where He says.
- God speaks quickly. Usually the first thing you hear when you ask God a question is God.
- Ask God questions often. All the time. Just start practicing. My friend kait and I went on a walk and we decided to ask God at every turn which way we should go (left, right, straight). After we asked him to ourselves, we both shared what we heard from Him. Up until the very last two turns we both got the exact same answer. every time. it was so cool.
- Don't over spiritualize it. Just talk to your Daddy. Engage with Him.
- Above ALL, remember that YOU HEAR GOD.
- one last one, surround yourself with people in your life that hear God on a consistent basis and spend time with them. Ask them questions. Hear God together. Go on walks with your best friend and talk to God together!
There is nothing sweeter in the whole world then when the Father comes down and speaks to your heart. That is worth a million minutes just sitting and waiting.
So GOOOOO. and Hear God. He is waiting, beloved!
Monday, March 5, 2012
I LOVE decorating. I mean really it is just the best.
I like it when you find little things here and there when you're out and about and think...Oh my, I can create an entire room all around this one little object. For me, I found this tree (pictured below) and I just couldn't resist not putting it in my room.
I think the BEST thing about decorating though is that I get to do it with Jesus. He's got some good style. seriously.
The majority of pieces in my room were old and are now new. So be inspired and go make art!
The pictures below are decorations in my house.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Farther Along
I know it is TuesdayShoesday. And I'm sad to say that I don't have a new shoe. BUT, you better believe that I certainly celebrated with a pair of leather flats that have an oversized sequin bow on front.
Instead though, I have other news to share with you.
Tonight, my dearest friend Kaitlin said to me..."hey have you heard this song." and when Kaitlin says this to you, your ears better perk up and listen here....Cause she's about to bring you some lyrical revelation. The song she shared with me was just too fresh and deep to not share with you all.
So enjoy. Also, please pay special attention to the latter part of the song. It'll take to you to a whole new place. SO RICH!
Farther Along--Josh Garrels
Farther along we’ll know all about it
Farther along we’ll understand why
Cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine
We’ll understand this, all by and by
Tempted and tried, I wondered why
The good man died, the bad man thrives
And Jesus cries because he loves em’ both
We’re all cast-aways in need of ropes
Hangin’ on by the last threads of our hope
In a house of mirrors full of smoke
Confusing illusions I’ve seen
Where did I go wrong, I sang along
To every chorus of the song
That the devil wrote like a piper at the gates
Leading mice and men down to their fates
But some will courageously escape
The seductive voice with a heart of faith
While walkin’ that line back home
So much more to life than we’ve been told
It’s full of beauty that will unfold
And shine like you struck gold my wayward son
That deadweight burden weighs a ton
Go down into the river and let it run
And wash away all the things you’ve done
Forgiveness alright
Still I get hard pressed on every side
Between the rock and a compromise
Like the truth and pack of lies fightin’ for my soul
And I’ve got no place left go
Cause I got changed by what I’ve been shown
More glory than the world has known
Keeps me ramblin’ on
Skipping like a calf loosed from its stall
I’m free to love once and for all
And even when I fall I’ll get back up
For the joy that overflows my cup
Heaven filled me with more than enough
Broke down my levee and my bluff
Let the flood wash me
And one day when the sky rolls back on us
Some rejoice and the others fuss
Cause every knee must bow and tongue confess
That the son of God is forever blessed
His is the kingdom, we’re the guests
So put your voice up to the test
Sing Lord, come soon
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