I just have a quick thought and song to share with you.
I think everyday I wake up more aware of my dependence on Jesus. I feel terribly lost when I'm absent from His presence. Tonight, I realized that He and I haven't gotten much time together...And I can feel it. My heart feels like it is pacing, my words seem half jumbled, my clothes don't seem to match quite right, my time is oddly spent and my soul seems disconnected.
I never ever thought I would desperately desire connection with Jesus. Like, the feeling that if I didn't get to just touch Him, feel Him, hear Him...that I might just, well not be OK. I felt that tonight.
And it is one of the sweetest feelings ever. To desire Someone so bad that your heart actually aches. I couldn't wait to get home and get away with Him.
I feel like I am moving into an increased season of dependence. I don't know what to expect really in any area of my life. But, I do know the One who is faithful to the end. And because of that I choose to not live independent of Him, but dependent on Him. I come fully and completely alive with Him. I'd like to call this life of mine a Declaration of Dependence. (see what I did there) :) There is no better way to LIVE.
also, listen to this song. it is so real and raw. just will wreck you...in the best possible way ever.