Perfect Morning

Perfect Morning

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TuesdayShoesday #1

I just decided to make every Tuesday from now on TuesdayShoesday....this will last now...until I no longer want to do this anymore, or I run out of shoes (which is highly unlikely).

TUESDAYSHOESDAY has officially begun!

I'm just going to share 1 or 2 or 5 or 10 shoes that I just have a really big crush on. Some I've worn, own or dream of....

The first TUESDAYSHOESDAY shoe is...............your new best friend. The Nude Heel. All capitals meaning this shoe is very important. You can wear it during any season with really any outfit. Below you will find a variety of nude styles. BUT, please take note: they are all nude. Also, no bows, ribbons, crystals, sapphires, bejeweled magic, etc. will be found on this classic heel. why? cause it is a classic! bows were in last year, but this year studs are in. (also, i just made that up...about bows and studs. don't throw out all your bowed shoes cause I just said that).

BUT, what you should do is get a nude heel. This beauty will always be in style. why you ask. Because it is STYLE. All of the heels below are Michael Kors. But Steve Madden makes a really great heel with a smaller price tag. Nine west, J.Crew (most of the time), Guess, certainly any department store like Nordstrom's also are good places to find your new best friend.

So run free in your new pair of nude heels all you tuesdayshoesday lovers!

Also, check out mood boards. They give great inspiration for putting together outfits. The one below is based around the nude colors, but also shows great colors to mix and match. Even though the collage is not clothes, you can still find inspiration and creativity.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Who's your daddy?

I am taking an introduction to literature class this last semester to be exact. :)
I am really only taking it because I think books are the best thing on the planet, besides maybe a few other things...But it really just gives me an excuse to drink more coffee and collect more books for my library.

In class the other day we read the parable of the prodigal son which is found in Luke 15. Here's a quick thought: Why in the world do we find it so amazing when our classes either reference the Bible or use it in literature? My goodness, this book is God-breathed full of LIFE, WISDOM and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is so unbelievably packed with inspiration. Don't be surprised when the Bible is used. Ask why is it NOT being used.

Ok moving on.
As we started talking about the prodigal son, I just fell more and more in love with this story. It is so RICH.
My professor asked a question. He said, "Class, do you think this story could actually be about a prodigal father not a prodigal son."

And I'm thinking, professor sir I think you have a few things misunderstood here. Let me help clarify.

The prodigal son really is not a depiction about the son. I do not think Jesus was trying to say that in families you usually have a good son and a bad son. (which if that really were the case, we all know who the favorite is in the Ruiz household....) kidding.

When the prodigal son returns from his trip to the Israel version of Vegas, he says, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son [I know longer deserve to be recognized as a son of yours]."

I LOVE the Father's response. He completely ignores his son and says, NO NO. you see you've been partying with the wrong crowd. Let me show you what a real party is like. Because you were walking around dead and now you are alive. you were lost and now you are found. Let me show you how we celebrate.

Why does the Father consider him found and alive?
"So he got up and came to his [own] Father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with pity and tenderness for him; and he ran and embraced him and kissed him [fervently]." That's it. There is no penance. no award ceremony. no induction back into the hall of fame of the best kid ever after serving years as a slave.

The prodigal merely received his father's embrace and he was automatically restored back to his rightful place as a son.

You see, it really has nothing to do with WHO you are. But it has to do with who your daddy is.

In the eyes of the Father, the eldest son and the prodigal were the exact same. They are his sons. Period. The reflection of you always points back to who your daddy is.

Have you received the Father's embrace? I wonder if more people relate to the prodigal son because you are still wandering around trying to just be a slave of God rather than a son.

Oh, the day when the sons and daughters of the Most High actually walk AS SONS AND DAUGHTERS. Heaven will shout and earth will rejoice. For you once were dead and now you are alive.

It is your inheritance as a son/daughter to release the fragrance and culture of Heaven. You are first a citizen of Heaven!

also, this band is great. why?
1. their album cover matches my blog
2. best band name ever.
3. they just sing such wonderful worship!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fishing...Jesus Style

I don't think I have shared this here on the blog world. But months ago, August to be exact the Father and I set on a journey to create a space on the Colorado State University campus that empowers and equips young revivalists to go and change the atmosphere. Why? well, Transformed people Transform cities. and secondly, cause HE SAID TO!

The Lord just breathed such wonderful vision into my heart and then truly carried me and the rest of my pals through the entire process. Do you want to know when you are dreaming with God? When the ideas and plans that come to mind are WAY bigger and require way more strength than you can muster. you can pretty much count that is Holy Spirit. Then comes the Peace.

It was just a couple of my pals. Just totally young, dumb and IN love with Jesus.
Love requires action. Love is not passive. Everything you do and say should come from a Love with relationship. All else outside of Love is religion. Stay away from that garbage...religion that is.

Anyways, Holy Spirit showed up. People started getting healing, set free, excited, full of life. And we thought, oh my goodness we've got something here.
We got to a place though (with the help of wise council) that we didn't want Pursue (our service) to be just a weekly service where people feel a couple goose bumps and wait for next week's service. That will NOT change and disciple a city. Period. Pursue is not the answer. Investing and giving your life to people is the answer. Walking together as a family, community, together. That is the answer.

Jesus discipled the 12. The 12 discipled the nations.

What did Jesus say to do? Go and make disciples of many nations. He wouldn't have said that to tease us. You are fully capable and anointed to go and make disciples. To push people into the Love of Jesus.

Now, don't misunderstand what I am saying. Church meetings and conferences and that good stuff is FUN. Necessary. There is something so sweet about corporate worship and praise. BUT, 2 hour church services can not be your only life source.

Jesus is the Life Source. Hook up to Him daily. Then go give it way. Go and walk with a people that are like minded and completely JAZZZZZED about Jesus.
My life has radically changed in the last couple months because I have started to embrace this commission. Wow, Jesus really wants me to give away what He has given me.
So GO all you FISHER'S of men!

People are hungry for The more!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matt. 28:19
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Must Haves!

For this blog post, I thought I would share a couple must haves for 2012. Really these items are just ones that I love...maybe you will too!


This is one of my favorite finds of 2011. I have pretty sensitive skin and so finding a light skin care product that also refreshes my face has been a struggle. Somehow I stumbled upon Kiehl's. lemmmme tell ya, they are FANTASTIC--especially for how dry it is in Colorado.

I use the Ultra Facial Moisturizer, Toner and Ultra Facial Cream. All of which have cleansed my face and moisturized
it. I am loving this product line. Also, if you're looking for good birthday presents, or just a little something something for that someone special, I recommend the Avocado Eye cream. Works wonders. You better bet is was under the Ruiz's tree this past Christmas.


This book----------->

I'm loving it. I can't put it down.
Who knew Steve Jobs was such an aggravating genius?
I've learned so much though.
And, as I type on my Mac at this very moment, I have a new appreciate for the art that Steve Jobs created; although, let me tell ya, there will be moments where you will want to just screammmmm. Read it.


I think everyone should subscribe to a newspaper this year. I prefer the NY Times because of their coverage of International News and their great artsy pieces. But the Denver Post, or any other major city paper is fabulous. Why you ask? Besides the fact that newspapers are becoming historic (OK that is a bit dramatic, but there is just something about newspaper and coffee in the morning. so old fashioned. so romantic.) Also, this year is going to be one to
remember in terms of historic events. Subscribe to the paper, clip out the stories that mean something to you, put them in an old shoe box, and years later show your children's children.


Anything Mason Jars. LOVE LOVE LOVE. the options are endless. Just a couple ideas.

OK lastly, Brennan Manning is the author of Abba's Child, Raggamuffin Gospel, The Furious Longing of God, All Is Grace, and others. Manning has such Revelation on the Love and longing of the Father. These books will wreck you, challenge your paradigm, make you fall deeper in Love with Jesus and allow Holy Spirit to free you from yourself.

These books are so rich. I would start with Abba's Child.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year:New Hope

I was cleaning out my suitcase this morning from a trip that I was just on. I found this old wrapper that held this diet powder that I used to take. A couple years ago, somehow I found myself broken, hopeless and utterly confused. I started taking diet pills. Although this lasted only a couple months, the toll it took on my body and spirit lasted longer.

It was such a sweet moment to hold this old wrapper and think back about what used to be. And stand today with what is. Jesus really is THE Redeemer. There is nothing too big, too small, too insignificant, too broken, too boring, too unthinkable that Daddy God cannot bring back to life.

The best way I can describe my 2011 is Jesus taking a defibrillator to my life and awakening to me to His love. Those couple seconds of shock were a bit painful, exciting and extreme, but my GOSH I am so alive and SO THANKFUL.

I believe that 2012 is the year that Love prevails. As the body of Christ begins to transition into deep relationship with the Father, Love is going to trump hurtful circumstances, painful memories, lifeless dreams, and unsatisfied hearts. This is the year to Hopefully Expect, Radically Risk and Explosively Receive.

Give yourself to Jesus in new measures. If you aren't being challenged, you probably aren't growing.
Instead of making lists of New Year's Resolutions that are self-motivated only because they have not been accomplished for the past 10+ years...Ask Jesus what His Promises are for your life this year. What is He saying, doing and responding to in 2012. Man made resolutions often fail because they are responses to insecurity and inadequacy. BUT God's promises are not done by your strength alone. Only by the blood of Lamb. SOOOO much Grace.

Happy 2012. Oh! the places you all will go!