I follow this eclectic, UK hipster wedding blog.It is called Pocketful of Dreams. check it out...http://www.pocketfulofdreams.co.uk/
Now, I love weddings. More so, I like the idea of the perfect day. And above that, I just love the pictures and decorating ideas that come from the Pocketful of Dreams blog. So much goes into a wedding. So much money, energy, resources, stress, love, friendship, thought. just a lot of work goes into this PERFECT day. the day that you get to publicly declare and unify this crazy, wild love for someone.
Holy Spirit is like the best wedding planner ever. Everyday when you wake up, the Holy Spirit is there planning your day. Your best day. your perfect day. You see it says, "We are assured and know that all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose." Romans 8:28.
So here it is: Everyday God is working for YOUR good. To love on you. to empower you. to set you free. to open doors. to make your day PERFECT. and that happens everyday. He plans your best day. your wedding day. all for this end goal. So that everyday you get to put on a wedding dress. You know, clothed in purity, grace and righteousness. Then the Holy Spirit plans your triumphant walk down the aisle to meet your groom, Jesus. OHH, come on.
Live in that reality. Know that the God of the Universe is working on your behalf. He is your defender. Why? cause He is mad about you. I just encourage you to wake up and put on your
sunday best...your perfect wedding day attire. Cry out to the Father and ask him to awaken you to His mercies that are new EVERY morning. oh, how he loves you.
Go forth and walk down that aisle.